36 Tourism Community of Madrid
  • Download Maps
    Get to know the Community of Madrid
    Get to know the Community of Madrid
  • Accessible Tourism
    Any tourist visit would not be of these characteristics without an accessible transport network and infrastructure.
    Any tourist visit would not be of these characteristics without an accessible transport network and infrastructure.
  • Ciclamadrid
    Enjoy the experience of touring the Community of Madrid on bicycles.
    Enjoy the experience of touring the Community of Madrid on bicycles.
  • Art Galleries in Madrid - Itineraries
    The art galleries of Madrid make up an important cultural space, with an average of four exhibitions a year and which open their doors for free
    The art galleries of Madrid make up an important cultural space, with an average of four exhibitions a year and which open their doors for free
  • Active Tourism and Nature
    If you live or already know Madrid, travel every week with the help of nature adventure experts in unique corners.
    If you live or already know Madrid, travel every week with the help of nature adventure experts in unique corners.
  • Gastronomic Routes
    Madrid has one of the best tapas offerings, a reflection of our Mediterranean lifestyle, which has become a true hallmark of identity.
    Madrid has one of the best tapas offerings, a reflection of our Mediterranean lifestyle, which has become a true hallmark of identity.
  • Restaurants with Solera de Madrid
    Bars, restaurants and eateries that never fail and for all audiences, where there is always someone in front to serve you and welcome you.
    Bars, restaurants and eateries that never fail and for all audiences, where there is always someone in front to serve you and welcome you.
  • Annual guide to Madrid cocktail bars
    Our city can boast of hosting the first cocktail bar in Spain, opened in 1931 in the heart of Gran Vía.
    Our city can boast of hosting the first cocktail bar in Spain, opened in 1931 in the heart of Gran Vía.
  • Patrimonio Mundial en Madrid
    The Community of Madrid houses five places included in the Unesco World Heritage list three of which are the urban enclaves of Alcalá de Henares, Aranjuez and San Lorenzo de El Escorial.
    The Community of Madrid houses five places included in the Unesco World Heritage list three of which are the urban enclaves of Alcalá de Henares, Aranjuez and San Lorenzo de El Escorial.
  • Real Monasterio de San Lorenzo de El Escorial
    Find out as in the court taking a walk through the old town of San Lorenzo or visit Felipe II's chair to contemplate the monastery in all its splendor.
    Find out as in the court taking a walk through the old town of San Lorenzo or visit Felipe II's chair to contemplate the monastery in all its splendor.
  • Aranjuez
    Considered in 2001 on the UNESCO list as a Cultural Landscape of World Heritage
    Considered in 2001 on the UNESCO list as a Cultural Landscape of World Heritage
  • Alcalá de Henares
    Ideal place to walk, travel its streets and squares, visit their museums and monuments.
    Ideal place to walk, travel its streets and squares, visit their museums and monuments.
  • Paisaje de la luz: Paseo del Prado y El Buen Retiro
    The Paseo del Prado, the Park of the Retiro and the stately neighborhood of Los Jerónimos, three jewels of the patrimonial wealth of the capital, make up this luminous landscape.
    The Paseo del Prado, the Park of the Retiro and the stately neighborhood of Los Jerónimos, three jewels of the patrimonial wealth of the capital, make up this luminous landscape.
  • Hayedo de Montejo
    Visits to the Hayedo de Montejo are always guided, by environmental, and free educators.
    Visits to the Hayedo de Montejo are always guided, by environmental, and free educators.
  • Villas de Madrid
    Places of peace, of good eating, of intimate nature, just one step from the big city. A secret Madrid to discover.
    Places of peace, of good eating, of intimate nature, just one step from the big city. A secret Madrid to discover.
  • Rascafría
    Natural Place - Santa María del Paular Monastery
    Natural Place - Santa María del Paular Monastery
  • Nuevo Baztán
    Churriguera monumental set - Javierada.
    Churriguera monumental set - Javierada.
  • Navalcarnero
    Our Lady of the Assumption Church - Bodegas - Wine Museum.
    Our Lady of the Assumption Church - Bodegas - Wine Museum.
  • Colmenar de Oreja
    Plaza Mayor - Ulpiano Czech Museum - Bodegas - Bulls
    Plaza Mayor - Ulpiano Czech Museum - Bodegas - Bulls
  • Chinchón
    Plaza Mayor - Tourism Parador - Easter - Bodegas
    Plaza Mayor - Tourism Parador - Easter - Bodegas
  • Buitrago del Lozoya
    Medieval strength - Picasso Museum -Eugenio Arias Collection - Belén Living.
    Medieval strength - Picasso Museum -Eugenio Arias Collection - Belén Living.
  • Patones de Arriba
    Historical set - San Juan party
    Historical set - San Juan party
  • Manzanares El Real
    Castillo - Church of Our Lady of Las Nievas - La Pedriza - Santillana Reservoir
    Castillo - Church of Our Lady of Las Nievas - La Pedriza - Santillana Reservoir
  • Torrelaguna
    Historical set - Church of Santa María Magdalena - Fiestas del Corpus.
    Historical set - Church of Santa María Magdalena - Fiestas del Corpus.