• Galería de las Colecciones Reales
    A journey through five centuries of art and culture in an exceptional building.
    A journey through five centuries of art and culture in an exceptional building.
  • Museo de la Felicidad
    A great opportunity to learn and get to know, with evidence and scientific rigour, what makes people happiest in a fun and entertaining way.
    A great opportunity to learn and get to know, with evidence and scientific rigour, what makes people happiest in a fun and entertaining way.
  • Legends: The Home of Football
    Legends The Home of Football. The world's largest and unique football experience.
    Legends The Home of Football. The world's largest and unique football experience.
  • Las Rozas Village
    A unique outdoor shopping experience. Discounts of up to 70% off the original price!
    A unique outdoor shopping experience. Discounts of up to 70% off the original price!
  • Malditos Tacones
    Damned Heels, a thrilling text by Ignacio Amestoy. It tells us about two women who face each other with power in their hands. They search for the truth and find the big lie. Two survivors of today, who search for the essential oxygen to recover a lost dignity.
    Damned Heels, a thrilling text by Ignacio Amestoy. It tells us about two women who face each other with power in their hands. They search for the truth and find the big lie. Two survivors of today, who search for the essential oxygen to recover a lost dignity.
  • National Archaeological Museum
    In its 40 rooms, divided into 3 thematic areas, it has 13,000 exhibition units.
    In its 40 rooms, divided into 3 thematic areas, it has 13,000 exhibition units.
  • Mercado San Antón
    An iconic market that combines tradition, fresh and contemporary gastronomic product in the city center.
    An iconic market that combines tradition, fresh and contemporary gastronomic product in the city center.
  • The Spirit of Japan - Nomad Immersive Museum
    Live in Nomad immersive Museum an experience like never before you could imagine!
    Live in Nomad immersive Museum an experience like never before you could imagine!
  • Villarejo de Salvanés
    Torre del Castillo tribute - House of the Tercia - Wines and oils.
    Torre del Castillo tribute - House of the Tercia - Wines and oils.
  • Torrelaguna
    Historical set - Church of Santa María Magdalena - Fiestas del Corpus.
    Historical set - Church of Santa María Magdalena - Fiestas del Corpus.
  • San Martín de Valdeiglesias
  • Galería Canalejas
    Located in one of the most significant historical complexes of the city, visiting Canalejas gallery is to live an unforgettable experience.
    Located in one of the most significant historical complexes of the city, visiting Canalejas gallery is to live an unforgettable experience.
  • Patones de Arriba
    Historical set - San Juan party
    Historical set - San Juan party
  • Manzanares El Real
    Castillo - Church of Our Lady of Las Nievas - La Pedriza - Santillana Reservoir
    Castillo - Church of Our Lady of Las Nievas - La Pedriza - Santillana Reservoir
  • Rascafría
    Natural Place - Santa María del Paular Monastery
    Natural Place - Santa María del Paular Monastery
  • Nuevo Baztán
    Churriguera monumental set - Javierada.
    Churriguera monumental set - Javierada.
  • Navalcarnero
    Our Lady of the Assumption Church - Bodegas - Wine Museum.
    Our Lady of the Assumption Church - Bodegas - Wine Museum.
  • Colmenar de Oreja
    Plaza Mayor - Ulpiano Czech Museum - Bodegas - Bulls
    Plaza Mayor - Ulpiano Czech Museum - Bodegas - Bulls
  • Chinchón
    Plaza Mayor - Tourism Parador - Easter - Bodegas
    Plaza Mayor - Tourism Parador - Easter - Bodegas
  • Buitrago del Lozoya
    Medieval strength - Picasso Museum -Eugenio Arias Collection - Belén Living.
    Medieval strength - Picasso Museum -Eugenio Arias Collection - Belén Living.
  • Paisaje de la luz: Paseo del Prado y El Buen Retiro
    The Paseo del Prado, the Park of the Retiro and the stately neighborhood of Los Jerónimos, three jewels of the patrimonial wealth of the capital, make up this luminous landscape.
    The Paseo del Prado, the Park of the Retiro and the stately neighborhood of Los Jerónimos, three jewels of the patrimonial wealth of the capital, make up this luminous landscape.
  • Villas de Madrid
    Places of peace, of good eating, of intimate nature, just one step from the big city. A secret Madrid to discover.
    Places of peace, of good eating, of intimate nature, just one step from the big city. A secret Madrid to discover.
  • Enoturismo
    Routes, Wine Subzons of Madrid and Museums of Wine.
    Routes, Wine Subzons of Madrid and Museums of Wine.
  • Hayedo de Montejo
    Visits to the Hayedo de Montejo are always guided, by environmental, and free educators.
    Visits to the Hayedo de Montejo are always guided, by environmental, and free educators.